While using a vehicle - whether a car, SUV, or motorcycle - be careful! Vehicles act strangely at best, and you might find yourself shot into the air or exploding against a small outcropping of rocks. In any case, use a vehicle as more than just four wheels and you'll no doubt see wins become more common. It likely has to do with increased optimization making it easier to pop off accurate shots, or it might just be the metagame evolving. While the playstyle at first seemed to favor stealthy actions, we're seeing more and more people use vehicles up until the final 10. As always, there are exceptions, and we've seen some hilarious situations where a player takes a car into a top-five situation to wreak some vehicular mayhem. You're much less likely to be shot when you're silent. In most cases, you'll want to ditch your vehicle after the first couple of circles and go the rest on foot. Later on, however, when the circle is smaller and there are only a few players left, a vehicle is basically an alarm telling everyone exactly where you are. Most people are so preoccupied with gearing up at the start of a match that they won't pay any attention to the noise of a car driving by. You'll often drop into an area that's quite far from the safe circle and will need one to escape the wall of death, or you'll take one off the beaten path for some safe looting. All you need to do is choose your looks, tactics and weapons and simply dominate the field.Vehicles are a great way to get around the map at the start of the game.

Mods, guns, skins and equipment: all you need to hold your own against the best of online enemies is available as a part of your PUBG experience. This makes this product even more desirable for those who envision their future in esports. The concept of the game fits in perfectly with the idea of esports and ESL is currently introducing PUBG large scale tournaments. “Battlegrounds” is so much more than just online rivalry. This realistic, high tension game sports a level of graphic detail that showcases Unreal Engine 4's capabilities, and an unprecedented level of dynamism in realistic combat. The last player or team standing wins the round. The available safe area of the game's map decreases in size over time, directing surviving players into tighter areas to force encounters. In a PUBG session, up to one hundred players parachute onto a massive 8x8 km Island with nothing, and scavenge for weapons and equipment to kill others while avoiding getting killed themselves. The game is based on previous mods that were developed by Brendan "PlayerUnknown" Greene for other games using the 2000 film “Battle Royale” for inspiration, and expanded into a standalone game. Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is a last-man-standing shooter that has been developed using intense community feedback.