Read More I actually liked this hack a great deal, enough for me to actually put the effort in to complete it. The Kraid fight was tedious because I ran out of missiles and had to farm a lot of fingernails, but he dealt so little damage that there was never any threat. You still might want to tone him down in order to let less skilled players realistically beat the hack under-equipped. At that point, I still died a couple of times to Mecha because I'm bad, but the difficulty felt reasonable. Mecha Ridley kicked my ass when I first found him, so I spent more time exploring and finding additional items (including the "secret rooms").

I got trolled once, when I found an eye door at low health and decided to backtrack all the way to the previous save room to be safe, only to go back around and through the eye door to find. Glowy MechaRidley and ultraglowy escape is great. The lore explanation of "Gravity Suit" is cute. I liked most of the level design, and the layered secret thing is cool (especially since that's a technique you obviously don't see in hacks of SM). It looks nice and fits the "frozen" theme quite well, though there wasn't much in the way of thawing. Read More A competent ZM hack? What is this madness?