Check what's going on with Vista 256x256 'png' icons in XP, and if LoadImage works with them under Windows 7. To-do list: - Write TweakStacks with option to enable/disable tweaks such as reflective mode. No reflective mode yet, please wait until Advanced options are implemented ( done) Enjoy.

If you dunno how to extract the icon or where is it, just post a screenshot of it (both how it looks in your Explorer and how it looks in stack). If they are inside an executable or.dll use Resource Hacker.

If this is the case, please PM those icons to me so I can test them. I'm now handling icons a bit different, they may not work with your icons. Doesn't crash when clicking an image now (maybe solves problem with crashing shortcuts and other crashing stuff too, I wasn't able to reproduce them because those worked right here). Stuff: - If you use AveDesk or whatever and can't access settings, now you can Alt+click the docklet to access settings. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Thai for Beginners by Benjawan Poomsan Becker (1995, Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! I just read kamil's post and I was curious as to why his worked but mine didn't, so I started changing options on objectdock and it worked with the first thing I did. Oldest version of stack docklet is working well on my dock currently and it is combined with chrisn'soft's standalone stack. for manual installation (current version: ) Big thanks go to schmrom and for providing this wonderful file hosting service.will download last version and do all the hard work.Feature requests will be silently ignored until beta release. Bug reports will be taken into account as long as they aren't RocketDock/RkLauncher/bad-shortcut-overlay-removal bugs. It may contain missing options / missing features / errors / memory leaks / etc.

Stacks Docklet 2.0 Warning: this is a pre-beta release.