If you take a look at the ingredient list, you’ll never guess that they turn into such an amazing cheese sauce. This mac and cheese sauce is based on my recipe for The Best Vegan Queso.

Try it out and see what you think! How To mAke Vegan Mac and Cheese I might even go as far and say it’s the best vegan mac and cheese (at least, that I’ve ever had!). It uses real food ingredients like nutritional yeast, cashews, potatoes, and carrots to create a silky smooth cheese sauce. While it’s not traditional since there’s no cheese, it has everything you want from mac and cheese -a rich, creamy, cheesy-tasting sauce coating warm al dente noodles. But I’m okay with that because I have this recipe for vegan mac and cheese. I can’t remember the last time I can mac and cheese from the box. Every week I’d look forward to the glowing orange pasta. Plus, picking out the Rugrats and Spongebob shapes just made meal time 100x more fun. I’d always opt for the fun shapes over the elbows because I was convinced they tasted better. Who else grew up on the blue box mac and cheese?! We’d have Kraft mac and cheese from the box every single Tuesday per my request growing up.

This vegan mac and cheese comes together in a few simple steps making it the perfect weeknight comfort food. An easy vegan mac and cheese recipe with a deliciously creamy dairy-free cheese sauce.